Removing the Finance Blinders
For the past 20 years, I’ve been walking around like a blind woman. Since I started making enough money that I was not needing to shift between accounts to just stay afloat, I have completely ignor...
For the past 20 years, I’ve been walking around like a blind woman. Since I started making enough money that I was not needing to shift between accounts to just stay afloat, I have completely ignor...
I cannot believe it is November. Can you believe it is November? Where did the year go? This is my 9th checkin for my 2019 GHDR as I am following Dave Seah’s masterful plan. Big Picture. I am doi...
A fantastic weekend from Kitsap or Seattle. Go see Smith Rock State Park. We made a weekend trip from Kitsap down to Redmond, Oregon for running in the Run the Rock race at Smith Rock State Park. ...
This is my eighth official checkin for my 2019 GHDR as I am following Dave Seah’s masterful plan. Before we get into review, I really want to acknowledge how weird we spell eighth. I had to type t...
If you’ve been connected with me for awhile, you’ve probably come across a post or something about Gifts Done. Last year, my sister and I started a company that we think will change the world…at sc...
This is my seventh official checkin for my 2019 GHDR as I am following Dave Seah’s masterful plan. Reminder of my 2019 Goals My resolutions for the year broadly fall into four categories: [H]Healt...
This is my sixth official checkin for my 2019 GHDR as I am following Dave Seah’s masterful plan. Is I am still alive a valid check in response. I mean, I love summer, and I am happy with some thin...
Halfway point! This is my second but should be my fifth official checkin for my 2019 GHDR as I am kind of following Dave Seah’s masterful plan. With everyone doing their own thing, life is weird. ...
This is my first official checkin for my 2019 GHDR as I am following Dave Seah’s masterful plan. I think I’m doing better! Reminder of my 2019 Goals My resolutions for the year broadly fall int...
This week felt more normal. There was work and play and I think I did fairly well on hitting my targeted behaviors, actions, etc but not perfect. Here, I will inventory the week (Sun - Sat) and see...