Shell Scripting Notes
I have been building some automation tools for creating images from other images and text. The next step is to get those images into an application that will allow for scheduling or posting. I am n...
I have been building some automation tools for creating images from other images and text. The next step is to get those images into an application that will allow for scheduling or posting. I am n...
It just should not be so hard! I have been working on ways to simplify the creation and posting to social media for awhile - mostly motivated by my friends (and myself) who have small businesses a...
This is my Aug checkin for my 2018 GHDR as I am following Dave Seah’s masterful plan. So far, August is off to a pretty good start, and I’m feeling good about the future. We have furniture! I’m se...
I published this first on the Moms Can Code platform Want a challenge? Take something that you care about and try to teach it to someone else! Real life code conversation going on rig...
This is my fourth but should be fifth official checkin for my 2018 GHDR as I am following Dave Seah’s masterful plan. The past month has been an unmitigated disaster for planning and development i...
One challenge for small business social media that I feel acutely is that you need to meet all of the social media image guidelines. Resizing your images can be a real pain. I created a simple scri...
As a mom, I get the opportunity to talk to lots of other moms - I’m a bit of an introvert, so I don’t always take this opportunity, but that is a story for another day. So often, moms will hear wha...
We are all just a few minutes away from a nice and simple links page. Why another page? I knoooow, right? Another page. Don’t we already have a navbar and a footer, and goodness knows how many o...
Back in April, I committed, to doing a press handstand in 120 days - so by around August 4!! I really wish I was closer. It has been 1 month since my first checkin on this, and I’ve made quite a b...
This is my third official checkin for my 2018 GHDR as I am following Dave Seah’s masterful plan. I’m glad I added a mood tracker to my journal, because I am able to see that I mostly felt good - t...