
Keep it Automated

Last night, while playing Jenga, my family had a conversation that basically went like this

…some conversation about school and books

Kid 1: Oh, the Autobiography of [I forget]

Me: Wouldn’t it be cool if one day we had one

Kid 2: Maybe we have one now

Old man: Well, none of us have written one

Kid 2: What does that matter

Kid 1: (authoritatively) because ‘auto’ means ‘self’

Me: Good thing none of us took latin (grumbles under breath since kiddos have indeed taken latin)

Kid 1: Like, submarine means under sea because latin ‘sub’ means under or below and ‘mar’ means sea

Old man: What about ‘automate’

Kid 2: Self friend - self from the latin for ‘auto’ and friend from the Australian for ‘mate’

– long pause –

Kid 2: no wonder the machines seem so content. We could all learn something from them.

Meanwhile Kid 2 kept removing the bottom pieces from our Jenga tower like a ninja. Since I broke the tower twice, I’m pretty sure I was the big loser for the night. Ever think about that? There is no winner at Jenga, just a loser. You can’t win.

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