
Radical Pedestrian

I am that weirdo. I am the weirdo walking alongside the road. I don’t exactly feel like a weirdo, but most of the people are in cars, and some of them look at me with concern. Surely, I must be homeless or a drunk or high or something to not be driving. Nope, I just wanted to walk. It’s not that far.

Today, I wanted to pick up my holds from the library, and I fancied a walk. I’ve walked to the library several times, and it is a bit of a frustrating walk because there is not a good place for pedestrians for about half of the trip - there is no sidewalk, and not much shoulder space with 35 mph speed limit. It’s still a nice walk. Then, I decided to go around the other way to make a loop rather than just go back the way I came. I got to enjoy the nice day, and I was glad to be outside.

There happened to be a rather bad car accident today - which stopped traffic on the highway. I encountered quite a bit of stuck vehicle traffic on the second half of my walk - making walking seem even more inviting. Sure, those folks were stuck and still mostly moving faster than me, but I was not expecting to be zooming along.

I wish more folks walked. I wish it was safer to walk. It is fun. It is relaxing. (To me, anyways)

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