
What is a least favorite day?

Today is Tuesday; how does that make you feel? fabulous

Actually, I respond that way to every day, pretty much. If I feel malaise, I can trace its cause to something different than the calendar.

I’m sure it was not always this way.

The other day. Well, it was definitely a Wednesday. The kiddo said it was his second least favorite day, and I just can’t stop thinking about that. It’s so weird to me. Current me. I didn’t think it was weird at first; I responded in whatever way made sense and off he went to school. But later, I started mulling it over in my head.

I wanted to know my second least favorite day. More, I wanted to know my least favorite day. Maybe even my favorite day. Do you have all of those? I couldn’t find mine. I get up every day pretty much the same way with pretty much the same attitude: man, it sure is gonna be a great day.

Now that I write that down, I feel like a bit of a Pollyanna. Am I being crazy? Too optimistic?

I can remember a time when Monday was my favorite day. don’t hit me, it makes sense At the time, I had young kids…elementary school age…and I worked from home. I remember absolute joy on Monday mornings because it meant an end to the chaos of the weekend. Even when we had many scheduled activities: soccer/baseball/scouts/whatever, the weekends always had a bit of an unknown to them. But, Monday, well, on Monday, we went to school and to work, and it all happened so neatly. I loved knowing that we were back on track. I can definitely remember that time. However, I cannot remember being sad or unhappy when Saturday rolled around. I don’t know that I had a dreaded day.

I wonder how common this is. Are there a lot of people who woke up this morning, on a Tuesday, and it is their least favorite day - and they are starting the day sad or meloncholy or expecting a poor day? Gosh, I hope not.

May all of your days have moments of joy.

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