Editing weavers novel
In 2023, I won the national novel writing effort of finishing at least 50,000 words and completing a draft of a story in a single month. I did this work building on an idea that I had come up with in a single scene previously and that had stuck with me for awhile. I started drawing out some of my characters and really leaned into the world that year.
The weavers novel (srsly, every effort I have made to name this thing has failed) is speculative fiction with elements of science fiction and high fantasy in a world where dragons are real, people are divided along magicians and not, and everyone is generations removed from the legends and lands on which their culture’s myths and religions revolve.
After I hit my target, though, I wanted to reclaim all of the time that I had been devoting to writing and use it for almost anything else. I rebuilt my social calendar, and I spent some time on silly code projects and on meaningful policy analysis.
Reader … more than a year went by, and I had done no more on editing this novel than forcing myself to open up the files and read them.
No more. I am committed to editing this piece of work by July. I want to get it ready for a few alpha readers by then. Based on my own limited read through, there are some plot holes that I need to fill and some characters I need to name or rename to make it easy on readers.
Stay tuned, the Weavers story is coming