2019 GHDR Review 8
This is my eighth official checkin for my 2019 GHDR as I am following Dave Seah’s masterful plan.
Before we get into review, I really want to acknowledge how weird we spell eighth. I had to type that about 4 times before the computer liked my spelling, and it still looks wrong. Not okay, English!
Ok. Back to the review. I’m doing great, y’all.
Reminder of my 2019 Goals
My resolutions for the year broadly fall into four categories: [H]Health, [F]Friends and family, [M]Money, and [C]Curiosity.
- I resolve to care about my Health and show it in my actions
- I resolve to strengthen connections with Friends and Family
- I resolve to maintain control of my Money
- I resolve to empower my Curious and Creative side.
Let’s Evaluate
At the very least, I think I touched each of these. That’s probably good for me.
- [H]ealth: I friggin’ love running I have been running with a new running friend and others in a running group frequently, and it has been wonderful for my health - physical and mental. Just a few days ago, I was the first woman to finish and the third overall at my very first trail race - a half marathon on an island. The whole event was amazing, from meeting up with my friend early in the morning to the ferry ride and cruise to the race course to the food and music after the race. It was a great experience. I also ran 20 miles with my friend a few weeks ago - we ran in the rain on the road, and the traffic was annoying and the hills sucked and we were cold and wet and I had to poo…but we survived and I’ll count it as a positive experience. On the other hand, I’m not eating super well, though. I have been trying to get my head around eating less meat and I want to make better foods but weird ingredients or easy alternatives make it hard for me to make the extra effort. I’m doing okay if we ignore my stash of reese’s and toffee. Dentist is going to love me… the jelly beans in my mouth while running surely don’t help. <side note, how is friggin’ not a word?>
- [F]riends and family: We are playing games, forcing the kiddos to interact with us, getting outside…family is going well. I’m also doing fairly well with my friend activity goals. Good times.
- [M]Money: I’m tracking better. I am working out how I can increase my investments, and I think I’ll increase my pre-tax IRA contributions next year. Since I’ve been paying more attention, I realize that I am not quite to my where I need to be to live the life I want in retirement. Change will have to happen now or be realized later.
- [C]Curiosity: I’m still drawing away and studying German. Over 400 days in my current streak, and I’m close to the finished with my first time through the whole Duolingo language board of lessons.
I am a little off balance but mostly focused on what I think is important. I seem to be doing well at recognizing when I am working against myself - even if I don’t do anything about it. I am not sure yet if that is growth or a new way to not improve. We will see.
Looking forward
I have a lot going on in the next month, and I think it will fly by…barely keeping my head above water.