2019 GHDR Review 6
This is my sixth official checkin for my 2019 GHDR as I am following Dave Seah’s masterful plan.
Is I am still alive a valid check in response. I mean, I love summer, and I am happy with some things, but I feel off kilter.
Reminder of my 2019 Goals
My resolutions for the year broadly fall into four categories: [H]Health, [F]Friends and family, [M]Money, and [C]Curiosity.
- I resolve to care about my Health and show it in my actions
- I resolve to strengthen connections with Friends and Family
- I resolve to maintain control of my Money
- I resolve to empower my Curious and Creative side.
Let’s evaluate
- [H]ealth: Honestly, I’m not sure. I am working out, and I am trying to follow my eating rules, but I am not feeling healthy. At least the meditation is going well.
- [F]riends and family: The family is all split up in different places, and I’m not getting enough positive engagement with other people. This has got to change.
- [M]Money: I think I have money. That is the stuff that we trade for food and coffee, right?
- [C]Curiosity: It’s good. I’m learning tons of stuff and trying new things and drawing and studying. I feel good about these goals. (Ignore the bass, I’m not doing well at that)
I’m not running on all cylinders. Something is wrong. I don’t even want to do this review.
Looking forward
I want to be engaged with things. Less ennui.
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